smoke signals - flashing mirrors - messages in bottles - carrier pigeons - flags in the air - hoofbeats on the ground

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

oh mister Gondry

The Science of Sleep, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Be Kind Rewind are some of his most most recent claims to fame, but this imaginative genius has been setting the bar higher with every creation that makes it to screen and has been long before these full length features.

Gondry has the uncanny ability to make you show us as adults how to "play," how to tap into our dreamworlds as children and make them come to life again. He saves us from the terror of a complacent life and although never without its faults and drawbacks presents us with the opportunity to be a part of a better world.

This being said when I read today that:  Michel Gondry is going to direct Green Hornet? on my daily Pop Candy blog check. I nearly fell over in my chair with excitement. 

I am a comic book kid. I grew up on Spider-Man and X-Men. I was never really a DC guy. In recent years I've been that "graphic novel" guy, which is what we adults say we read to sound a little less like nerd-kids and more like nerdy-half-grownups. 

With the new release of Watchmen and several other projects on the film circuit; Y The Last Man, Ex Machina, Fables, etc. I am often told to be weary and often dissapointed, but with Gondry on the case I think we might just be okay. 

So keep your eyes out, cause this is just starting to get fun.