smoke signals - flashing mirrors - messages in bottles - carrier pigeons - flags in the air - hoofbeats on the ground

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

we chose rejoice

dear joe


Friday, July 10, 2009

dear joe.

just setting the mood for this weekend. do enjoy.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

the word of the day is...

Dear Melissa

I need your help, we have a robot that refuses to commit to his role in the Pee-Wee Herman revolution slowly approaching in my new apartment

help me get him in line wont you?

also, I need to 'anthropomorphize' more items in my home

and this is also the world of the day! AHHHHHHH!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

dear joe

i bought us a house.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

fits and starts

i have been searching for this short film for years, it existed only on a VHS packed away in one of my previous dwellings

it is full of wonder, delight, orange soda, useful information about diabetes, and a diabolical French maid

if only id known

now be amazed

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

dear joe and kelly and me

Sunday, May 31, 2009

dear joe

polish weddings.

Friday, May 29, 2009

lets take more

dear joe

mandatory, starting today

1 photo, every day.

doesnt have to be fancy, doesn't have to be good, doesnt have to be anything.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

adult float

dear melissa

I strongly feel we need one of these

how does this beer get rated??

via thekitchn

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

dear joe,

this is what i'm doing tonight: reading all of these with a pint or two of stout.

Book a Minute Classics

lazy river

isnt it time for this yet?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

dear joe

SERIOUSLY are you following this blog?

Michael and Michael Have Issues

add that to your 'daily' list.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

what the hell??

Joshua Hoffine's photo there is awesome.

found VIA SUPERPUNCH (also is awesome)

who told....

the rest of the summer shall be filled with ongoing quotations from the season finale of 30 Rock "Kidney Now"


- you've got sexually transmitted crazy mouth
- bisexual is something they invented in the 90's to sell hair products
- 's' to the 'd', shut it down
- but you know how there are no secrets in the tanning community?
- Pleased to meet

and one that will still put me in stitches "who told"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

oh no! videos at 2AM

first off, how did this escape our radar:

also, this is how fairy tales were meant to be told, I didnt really feel I could share it with anyone else

dear joe

here is a link, in which one of my personal heroes more or less sums up how i feel about waking up at 5 goddam am every morning to sew monsters and doodle things.


Personal Letter to TinyMeat

Melissa, remember that entry you made about the "grown up aesthetic"? I have been practicing, but can't I just grow up with my favorite creators and continue to acquire the things they make for me? Such as:

Dear TinyMeat,

I love you. You make my favorite wallets in the world. It feels like just the other day when I drunkenly stumbled upon you in the Etsy bar to get a case for when I first received my passport.

You were sitting next to SEIBEI and had been flirting all night with Joined At The Stitch, they thought they were so grown up changing their name from Vagrant Aesthetic (we are all so proud).

but here's the thing, once a year I indulge on nabbing a new one from you kids and one for Melissa because ours have gone through a year of the natural disaster that is our ass and require replacement, plus the plastic and stiching start breaking and tearing.

They all started out so great:

Do you think you can make a grown up wallet? We, your early fans are growing up and sometimes we cannot pull out something as wicked as that last Zeptonn wallet in inappropriate situations like business dinners, funerals, turkey hunting, and Babylon 5 theme parties.

Yours Truly,


Monday, May 18, 2009

dear joe

i really think you should take an evening and read my 3 issues of Eye of the Magnificent Creature

but they are printed on newsprint, and i am afraid
1) your cat will piss on them
2) your cat will eat them
3) you will grudge them up
4) all of the above


can you either promise not to destroy them, or
go to
HERE HERE HERE and drop the $8 and buy them yourself. They come in a lovely christmas-like package, with a little OMG button. perfecto.

really, these are FREAKING great.

ps also let's try this blog shit again.
pps also let's start the mailing list up again. i promise not to suck so much this time
ppps i love u

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

oh mister Gondry

The Science of Sleep, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Be Kind Rewind are some of his most most recent claims to fame, but this imaginative genius has been setting the bar higher with every creation that makes it to screen and has been long before these full length features.

Gondry has the uncanny ability to make you show us as adults how to "play," how to tap into our dreamworlds as children and make them come to life again. He saves us from the terror of a complacent life and although never without its faults and drawbacks presents us with the opportunity to be a part of a better world.

This being said when I read today that:  Michel Gondry is going to direct Green Hornet? on my daily Pop Candy blog check. I nearly fell over in my chair with excitement. 

I am a comic book kid. I grew up on Spider-Man and X-Men. I was never really a DC guy. In recent years I've been that "graphic novel" guy, which is what we adults say we read to sound a little less like nerd-kids and more like nerdy-half-grownups. 

With the new release of Watchmen and several other projects on the film circuit; Y The Last Man, Ex Machina, Fables, etc. I am often told to be weary and often dissapointed, but with Gondry on the case I think we might just be okay. 

So keep your eyes out, cause this is just starting to get fun.