smoke signals - flashing mirrors - messages in bottles - carrier pigeons - flags in the air - hoofbeats on the ground

Friday, March 30, 2007

We Create Goes to TV

Friends, Fans, & Family,

Here we go! Canned Culture's 'We Create Again' episode has been launched onto Current TV's website. This is where we need your help more then ever. With enough views, votes, and positive feedback we have a very real possibility of launching this onto Current TV the cable television channel that Al Gore was given a special honorary Emmy for participating in the development of. If you have seen prior episodes of Canned Culture then you have heard reference to Current before. It is an amazing opportunity for citizen journalism and viewer content to bridge the gap between major media sources and us folk fighting to be heard.

For those of you who participated in We Create Again this means there is an opportunity for free publicity if your work was included in our short doc which can be seen using the link above.

For everyone else, teachers, friends, co-workers, family members, fans, classmates, etc. we reach out to you at this point for one thing. If you believe in the work we are doing, if you agree with the movement we are engaging in and the ideas we are trying to promote, if you have ever enjoyed a momentary giggle or a consensual nod of approval for Canned Culture's content I ask that you stop by the lnk above check out the We Create Doc if you have not and give it a GREEN LIGHT, a comment if you like as well. This is such a vital opportunity for growth that we have been given and we hope that we can look back and thank you for contributing to our success.

Thanks again for all those who have made this possible so far. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at any point, my contact information is listed below.

With Much Hope and Gratitude,

Joseph R. Varisco